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Inpatient and Outpatient Hemodialysis


What is Hemodialysis?

One method that is used to achieve the extracorporeal removal of waste products from the blood is called Hemodialysis. This method is used when the kidneys are in renal failure and are no longer able to filter waste from the blood. Hemodialysis removes wastes such as urea, creatinine, potassium extra fluids. It also helps to restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood. The process involves filtering the blood through the use of a man-made membrane called a dialyzer and then returned to the body.


We offer this method as an inpatient and outpatient service. 

Inpatient and Outpatient Peritoneal Dialysis


What is Peritoneal Dialysis?

Chronic kidney disease is described as having issues with your kidneys for a period of time in which your kidneys are not functioning the way they were meant to. Your kidneys are important to your body because they filter your blood and allow waste to be removed from your body. A kidney that is not functioning correctly can cause various symptoms including urinating less than normal, swelling in legs and feet, feeling tired or sleepy, not feeling hungry, losing weight without trying, nausea/vomiting, trouble sleeping, and headaches.

If you are experiencing any issues with your kidneys, please contact us to setup an appointment.

Inpatient and Outpatient Plasmapheresis


What is Plasmapheresis?

End-stage kidney disease is also know as chronic kidney disease. It is a progressive loss in kidney (renal) function over a period of time. Usually this time frame is measured in months or years. As the reduction of the function of the kidney progresses, a person experiencing chronic kidney disease may experience an overall unwell feeling and may find that they have a reduction in their appetite. The most common causes for end-stage kidney disease is high blood pressure and diabetes.

Inpatient Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies


What is Renal Replacement Therapies?

Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) is a condition that eventually affects everyone at some point. This condition can develop over years without symptoms, and can increase your risk of heart disease, kidney disease and tumors. High blood pressure is defined as increased pressure created against the walls of your arteries by your heart. Around 70 million adults and around two million teenagers in the United States are said to have hypertension.

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